school-based project
From inner to outer world-Accordion Book
Vomit flip book is an exquisite work of art that employs remixed photo collage to tell a profound story. As you flip through the pages, you are taken on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the intricate relationship between the inner self and the outer world.

The story revolves around the give and take of life. The protagonist is shown indulging in life's pleasures, such as consuming delicious food, smoking, and listening to good music. However, it soon becomes apparent that the protagonist's inner self is in turmoil, and everything they give to the outer world is tainted by their struggles. I emphasize the importance of focusing on the inside, where everything is clean and pure, to ensure that the outcome is not destroying the world.
The primary color is this stunning green called "Desert Sage." This color is both beautiful and symbolic, representing growth and prosperity. However, it is also the color of vomit, which serves as a powerful reminder that even good things can be tainted if they come from a place of inner turmoil.
I hope people could find my book as a thought-provoking work of art that inspires us to reflect on our lives and find a balance between our inner selves and the outer world. It reminds us that the cycle of give and take is natural, and we must take it easy and go with the flow.